Friday, July 18, 2008

A World of Blogs

Hi there Friends!

Having been one of the few fortunate souls in the world born with the spirit-thriving essence of being a writer by profession, conviction and soul, I have always been inclined to search the world for new forms of expressing my ideals, points of view and thoughts through the written world.

I have written in prose, poetry, play format, screenplay format, newspaper articles, short stories, radio drama plays and pretty much anything and any format any writer can get their hands on... everything except the Blog Format.

I was sitting at a Cafe the other day when I met a girl (whom I immediately knew was a writer) and asked her what her writing specialty was. To my surprise the answer was "I blog".

Blog was a term that, although I had heard a before, was not really familiar with what it was or how it worked. So after speaking with this girl for a couple of minutes about what a blog was all about and what they were used for, I decided I had to try them out myself and create a blog so I could express my ideals in Diary like format; writing about anything I wanted and actually have people read and comment on what I wrote.

It was like my own magazine. A place where I could practice writing, express myself eagerly and without censorship and get feedback from anyone that bumped into my blog.

So without further delay I created my own blog... which, if you are fortunate, is probably what you are reading right now... (that was meant to be a non-ofensive joke)... but in all seriousness, I inaugurate this first blog by saying that I am looking forward to this as much as I do to getting my books published and my scripts produced. I hope to learn a lot by this experience and I hope you can follow me on my journey through the lyirical world.

Look out for articles and blogs on everything... absolutely everything... From Apartheid to Peter Pan... from Quantum Mechanics to Canadian Sociology... Everything...

Now I leave you with this interesting fact.

The world has changed more in the last 10 years than it did in the previous 25... think about it. 10 years ago there was no "people´s internet", blogs as a phenomena didn´t exist and DVD´s were brand new... think about it. We are living in a world of change much like people in the early 1900´s were living in a world of change.

No one in the 1950´s would have envisioned a world that would be ruled by computers and not by flying cars... funny? Perhaps... but at least worth a thought.

I´ll see you in the future...

"I Don´t Wanna be a product of my environment... I want my environment, to be a product of me."

Happy Hunting

The Wiki Vampire

P.D. The Sky is truly the limit


Alejandro Sulser said...

"All there is to writing is having ideas. To learn to write is to learn to have ideas."

Robert Lee Frost

Muy buena idea la del blog Arnold , buena suerte con ella, estaré al pendiente

WikiVampire said...

Indeed... a writer is a man of ideas with a great talent of absorbing and analyzing what lives around him as well as an ability to turn those ideas into stories!