Hey there my fellow creatures of the night!
This is a reccount of another dream I had... and yes, I was high when I wrote it... in case you were interested.
I hope it's not too disappointing.
I cannot relive or realize what it is that I am saying, doing or hearing. I am standing in the middle of a very dark, dark room. I am inside something that resembles a large manor or castle. The room I am in has a very dark brown grand piano and an unlit chimney. The furniture is composed of three dark velvet green sofas. In the middle is a large wooden table. The room is adorned with tapestries that seem to come from ancient medieval times. The windows of the room are constantly pounded by the outside storm. The rain keeps dropping on the windows. Even though the place is completely dark and the small portable chandelier on top of the piano doesn't have a single candle, my eyes have begun to accustom themselves to the darkness. I have now realized that the darkness and this state of mind have to a certain extent begun to set me free from the terrible evils of this cruel world. The floor of the room is purely made out of wood and is covered in some section by antique carpeting. In the table next to the piano lies an opened bottle (still with the cork) of what seems to be wine. I have decided not to taste it, and instead have decided to concentrate further on the room. The place is quite cold, but my thick coat is protecting me from it. Then suddenly, the vibes and feelings I had previously received from the room have now completely changed. I now feel as if I am changing and am instantly being elevated into unknown grounds…but then, it all changes again and the solution I had previously engaged in has now shifted. I can immediately tell this room is filled with magic and bizarre feelings. It seems quite dark and sinister, but in a strange way. The rain, the thunder, the piano and the absolute and abysmal silence complement themselves perfectly and have given me the sensation of comfort and ease. I have never felt this inner peace before in my life, but somehow this room has allowed me to revive it and bring it back, I am here, I’m alive, and I have noticed it through this room. To relax and feel more and more eased, I have decided to lie on the sofa and listen to the rain and thunder. Never before in my life has this inner peace settled to swiftly upon my wayward being. I know I am peaceful and quiet, and despite my numerous achievements and precious life, I sometimes wonder why I do not subject myself to this life, as I know my inner soul and universe will come to rejoice it greatly. I know that the place where I would be the happiest would definitely be inside a place such as the one I have traveled in my dreams, but…the question essentially is, how do I reach such a place? Ho do I arrive at this precious place that I want to visit? How do I move to this precious and unique universe? Where is this place? And how can I love myself and my world knowing that I have the opportunity and the desire to reach my ideal place? I know that even though it might be a gloomy and terribly cold place, I could still enjoy it and would trade it for nearly everything. I have tried to imitate, at least to a certain extent, this lifestyle, but to no avail. But to get back on track, I have suddenly realized that the room I lie in is not quite so solitary. After receiving a very eerie and strange sensation I turn around and see a stunningly beautiful image. Dressed in a black skirt I see a girl, a blonde girl with milky white skin who looks at me with a happy but smile-less face, she begins to look at me with her penetrating light blue eyes and sings to me telling me she has just come out of the rain, that she has come to find her true love and to share with him a very strange vintage wine, that she had remained in that position for many years and it is only now that the person she always waited for has now arrived. Her voice is angelic, very soft and soothing, and the melody that she sings complements the fact that we are all trapped in an eternal universe and cannot break free until we acknowledge the truth, until we admit that we are trapped. She then proceeds to tell me that I am one of the few who recognized my captivity and chose to break free from it and reach my precious dreams, even though my dream place happened to be a gloomy room. Nevertheless, she continued to say that in this world, the one I have always waited for, I need not leave anything behind; that the essence of my being is here and will not leave, that in this world we have nothing to cover ourselves from or with and that I should have no fears of a darker world, that all I must do is follow the footsteps of the distant memories that allowed me to reach this place, and if I do this correctly I will permanently stay there and allow myself to become happy. She immediately starts to approach me as if she were gliding along the floor and says: “My name is Kristine, this is the world you have chosen, this is the world you now live in, the one you always wanted and the one you will always have from now on.” Upon realizing this I stood up and approached her but could not get near her. “Show me please, explain to me, lead me to my destiny, to my real goal, to my eternal healing, to my eternal sanctuary, to my place of repose, to my place of eternal peace.” “You are here now, this is your place of eternal peace, the place you will have you eternal healing, this is your eternal sanctuary, and if you really want to enjoy it, follow me, I will show you were we are.” She took me by the hand and showed me to the outside of the room, where I see a gigantic wooden staircase that leads the way upwards. It is covered with carpet and reveals nothing other than total gloom. We continue to fly upwards ignoring the overpowering darkness on our backside. As we rise to the top of the staircase the room becomes darker and darker, as of this moment, I dare not to say what happens next, but whatever it is, I must now come to realize that I am no longer in my old world, that I have now broken free of the chains that brought me eternal disgrace and am now in the place I created out of my own memory... in my eternal sanctuary and eternal place of healing, a place where the rain and the dark are as constant as the air, gloom, darkness and mystique, where mystery and ambiguity reigns, a place where every moment changes and eternal peace and silence is the single and ultimate purpose of being, and no matter what happens, the strange girl I had met, Kristine and my own brave being are going to be my eternal companions through light, darkness, wood, water, earth air, silence and gloom.
That is all...
I'll see you in the future...
"I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me."
Happy Hunting,
The WikiVampire
This is a reccount of another dream I had... and yes, I was high when I wrote it... in case you were interested.
I hope it's not too disappointing.
I cannot relive or realize what it is that I am saying, doing or hearing. I am standing in the middle of a very dark, dark room. I am inside something that resembles a large manor or castle. The room I am in has a very dark brown grand piano and an unlit chimney. The furniture is composed of three dark velvet green sofas. In the middle is a large wooden table. The room is adorned with tapestries that seem to come from ancient medieval times. The windows of the room are constantly pounded by the outside storm. The rain keeps dropping on the windows. Even though the place is completely dark and the small portable chandelier on top of the piano doesn't have a single candle, my eyes have begun to accustom themselves to the darkness. I have now realized that the darkness and this state of mind have to a certain extent begun to set me free from the terrible evils of this cruel world. The floor of the room is purely made out of wood and is covered in some section by antique carpeting. In the table next to the piano lies an opened bottle (still with the cork) of what seems to be wine. I have decided not to taste it, and instead have decided to concentrate further on the room. The place is quite cold, but my thick coat is protecting me from it. Then suddenly, the vibes and feelings I had previously received from the room have now completely changed. I now feel as if I am changing and am instantly being elevated into unknown grounds…but then, it all changes again and the solution I had previously engaged in has now shifted. I can immediately tell this room is filled with magic and bizarre feelings. It seems quite dark and sinister, but in a strange way. The rain, the thunder, the piano and the absolute and abysmal silence complement themselves perfectly and have given me the sensation of comfort and ease. I have never felt this inner peace before in my life, but somehow this room has allowed me to revive it and bring it back, I am here, I’m alive, and I have noticed it through this room. To relax and feel more and more eased, I have decided to lie on the sofa and listen to the rain and thunder. Never before in my life has this inner peace settled to swiftly upon my wayward being. I know I am peaceful and quiet, and despite my numerous achievements and precious life, I sometimes wonder why I do not subject myself to this life, as I know my inner soul and universe will come to rejoice it greatly. I know that the place where I would be the happiest would definitely be inside a place such as the one I have traveled in my dreams, but…the question essentially is, how do I reach such a place? Ho do I arrive at this precious place that I want to visit? How do I move to this precious and unique universe? Where is this place? And how can I love myself and my world knowing that I have the opportunity and the desire to reach my ideal place? I know that even though it might be a gloomy and terribly cold place, I could still enjoy it and would trade it for nearly everything. I have tried to imitate, at least to a certain extent, this lifestyle, but to no avail. But to get back on track, I have suddenly realized that the room I lie in is not quite so solitary. After receiving a very eerie and strange sensation I turn around and see a stunningly beautiful image. Dressed in a black skirt I see a girl, a blonde girl with milky white skin who looks at me with a happy but smile-less face, she begins to look at me with her penetrating light blue eyes and sings to me telling me she has just come out of the rain, that she has come to find her true love and to share with him a very strange vintage wine, that she had remained in that position for many years and it is only now that the person she always waited for has now arrived. Her voice is angelic, very soft and soothing, and the melody that she sings complements the fact that we are all trapped in an eternal universe and cannot break free until we acknowledge the truth, until we admit that we are trapped. She then proceeds to tell me that I am one of the few who recognized my captivity and chose to break free from it and reach my precious dreams, even though my dream place happened to be a gloomy room. Nevertheless, she continued to say that in this world, the one I have always waited for, I need not leave anything behind; that the essence of my being is here and will not leave, that in this world we have nothing to cover ourselves from or with and that I should have no fears of a darker world, that all I must do is follow the footsteps of the distant memories that allowed me to reach this place, and if I do this correctly I will permanently stay there and allow myself to become happy. She immediately starts to approach me as if she were gliding along the floor and says: “My name is Kristine, this is the world you have chosen, this is the world you now live in, the one you always wanted and the one you will always have from now on.” Upon realizing this I stood up and approached her but could not get near her. “Show me please, explain to me, lead me to my destiny, to my real goal, to my eternal healing, to my eternal sanctuary, to my place of repose, to my place of eternal peace.” “You are here now, this is your place of eternal peace, the place you will have you eternal healing, this is your eternal sanctuary, and if you really want to enjoy it, follow me, I will show you were we are.” She took me by the hand and showed me to the outside of the room, where I see a gigantic wooden staircase that leads the way upwards. It is covered with carpet and reveals nothing other than total gloom. We continue to fly upwards ignoring the overpowering darkness on our backside. As we rise to the top of the staircase the room becomes darker and darker, as of this moment, I dare not to say what happens next, but whatever it is, I must now come to realize that I am no longer in my old world, that I have now broken free of the chains that brought me eternal disgrace and am now in the place I created out of my own memory... in my eternal sanctuary and eternal place of healing, a place where the rain and the dark are as constant as the air, gloom, darkness and mystique, where mystery and ambiguity reigns, a place where every moment changes and eternal peace and silence is the single and ultimate purpose of being, and no matter what happens, the strange girl I had met, Kristine and my own brave being are going to be my eternal companions through light, darkness, wood, water, earth air, silence and gloom.
That is all...
I'll see you in the future...
"I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me."
Happy Hunting,
The WikiVampire
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