Friday, November 21, 2008

A Troubled World

Hi there my fellow Creatures of the Night!

Here's a small the reflection on the troubled world we live in. It is also written in Spanish.

Uno de los peores traumas que sufrimos hoy en día es que ya no vivimos en un sitio tan seguro como antes. Cada día, recibimos noticias de un nuevo crimen, una nueva catástrofe, y de cómo se acerca otra futura posibilidad del fin del mundo. Pero a pesar de todo este oscurantismo, no se ha perdido la esperanza. Siempre se puede encontrar algo bueno en el lugar más perdido, siempre hay alguien en quien confiar y siempre se le puede traer felicidad a alguien. Así que lo mejor que podemos hacer en lugar de preocuparnos es poner nuestra mejor sonrisa, admitir que a veces hay cosas que están fuera de nuestro control, salir a la calle y prepararnos para dar nuestro mejor esfuerzo. Porque si vivimos quejándonos, algún día, nos encontraremos en un túnel con una brillosa luz y nos daremos cuenta de que no sirvió de nada y que sólo nos trajo maldad y amargura. No se preocupen por el futuro, porque viene en camino más rápido de lo que creen. Disfruten del momento, y hagan lo máximo que puedan.

That is all,

I'll see you in the future,

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me."

Happy Hunting,

The WikiVampire

The Best of Times.. The Worst of Times

Hi there my fellow creatures of the night!

Here's a small reflection on our current era written in Spanish. Enjoy

El mundo ha cambiado más en los últimos 20 años de lo que cambió en los anteriores 60, y más en los previos 50 que en los pasados 5 siglos. Vivimos en épocas rápidas y cambiantes, con nuevas perspectivas, formas de vida y puntos de vista, en un mundo que se hace cada vez más chico pero en el cual moverse es cada vez más difícil. Tiempos turbulentos, con paradojas reinando los días, y violencia acechando las calles. La tranquilidad, esencia, seriedad y serenidad humana que por tanto tiempo nos caracterizó se ha perdido, y los valores materiales han reemplazado nuestras necesidades de amor y compañía. Hemos conquistado el espacio exterior, pero no el interior de nuestras almas; le hemos añadido años a la vida, pero no vida a los años, hemos aprendido a correr, pero no a esperar. Piénsenlo. ¿Cuándo fue la última vez que salieron a caminar, a correr en la lluvia, o simplemente reflexionaron a luz de la vela o le hablaron alguien sólo para decirle “hola”?

That is all,

I'll see you in the future,

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me."

Happy Hunting,

The WikiVampire

Carpe Diem

Hi there my fellow creatures of the night!
Here's a small reflection on Carpe Diem written in Spanish. Enjoy:

“Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a flying”, nos dice Robert Herrick en su poema del siglo XVIII acerca del Carpe Diem. Pero, ¿qué es exactamente el Carpe Diem? Carpe Diem es una filosofía que explota el aprovechamiento de todo y el desarrollo al máximo no sólo del tiempo, sino de nuestras absolutas cualidades. Vivir la vida y vivirla a plenitud, disfrutar cada momento y exprimir cada segundo que tenemos. Porque como bien sabemos, nuestro tiempo es limitado. Lo que importa no es lo que hacemos para evitar la muerte, sino lo que hacemos antes de la muerte. Todos nos sentimos invencibles, y destinados para grandes cosas. Ahora pregúntense, ¿es así?, ¿son ustedes extraordinarios? Todos lo somos en potencial. Pero para lograrlo hay que hacer lo máximo y explotarnos al máximo. No cuenten los días, hagan que los días cuenten. Repitan después de mí: Carpe… Diem. Hagan sus vidas extraordinarias.

That is all,

I'll see you in the future,

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me."

Happy Hunting,

The WikiVampire


Hi there my fellow creatures of the night!

I know I never write in Spanish, but given that a few of my posts are going to be published soon (thanks Santiago by the way), I might as well publish them here first.

The first one is on determination:
“The woods are empty, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep”, nos dice el hermoso poema de Robert Frost. Pero el significado de la frase es mucho más profundo. Es un escrito que habla de una de las virtudes más importantes del ser humano, la determinación. La fuerza para continuar guiados por sólo el poder de nuestras mentes y convicciones. No importa donde estemos o las circunstancias, nada puede más que el poder de la osadía. Podemos estar cansados, podemos estar débiles, pero siempre se puede hacer lo que se quiere. Sin determinación, muchos de las grandes mentes y logros de la humanidad nunca hubiesen sucedido. Piénsenlo, mi cama puede verse tranquila y cómoda, pero todavía hay mucho por hacer y millas por recorrer.

That is all,

I'll see you in the future,
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me."
Happy Hunting,

The WikiVampire

The Autumn Wind: The Oakland Raiders

Hi there my fello creatures of the night!

Just dropping in to catch another line. It's been about a week since I last posted anything, and due to the fact that I was very upset at what had happened to a few friends of mine I wasn't really in the mood to write another blog... but now I am.

Today's blog is about something different, some of you might like it, some of you may not...

Oh yes, I almost forgot... this is a message to the guy I am going to kill pretty soon: "I guess that's what they mean by poetic justice! I though you said it couldn't be done? Praise the Lord, I hail from Schwarzenegger's school of thought, and the words 'impossible' and 'I can't' are not in my dictionary... Stick it up your ass man!"

Well now on to the topic at hand. There's no denying this has been a very strange NFL season. I've been watching football since 1994 and I have never seen a season with such a high playing level, such a balanced talent base and such equality between teams. No matter what happens, any team can beat any team, there are no dominating teams anymore and pretty much every team can still make the playoffs (except the Lions, Bengals, Chiefs - even though they are much better than their record indicates - and a couple more), a few "new" offensive techniques, particularly the wildcat (a variation of the vere) are being used on a regular basis, the teams set to go to the Super Bowl since the preseason are now fighting for a Wild Card Spot (do the Patriots, Cowboys and Chargers ring a bell?), Dan Marino's "unbeatable" single season passing yard record of 5105 yars is about to get squashed by two quarterbacks, and the list goes on and one.

But one thing definetely hasn't changed... and that's the fact that the Oakland Raiders are still the same mediocre team they have been for the last couple of seasons and are still fighting to make their high paying roster win football games... Which brings me to the topic at hand.

The Oakland Raiders have always been one of the great franchises in the history of professional football and sports. While the Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears are known for their devoted fanatics, the Cowboys for their large, out of Dallas fanbase, the Steelers for their still devoted 1970's fans, the Raiders hail from a great tradition of winning as well as possibly THE MOST devoted fanbase in all of professional football: the so-called "Raider Nation".

The Raider Nation is a term used to define the large, devoted fans of the Oakland Raiders. Not only do they dress in jerseys for the game, but many carry pirate like banners and dress up in very elaborate costumes for the games and cheer their team on with an almost psycopathic love (no matter how bad they might be doing). Don't believe me? Check out the picture of the VIOLATOR, possibly the world's best known raider fan or go to Oakland and attend a home game sitting in the so-called "black hole", in sectinos 104,105, 106 and 107 of the Oakland Coliseum.

The Raiders, giving justice to their name, are a sports franchise of magical tradition that skyrocketed to fame during the 1970's, when they won two superbowls under John Madden and were hosts to possibly one of the toughest players in the history of the game. Names like Jack Tatum, George Atkinson, Lyle Alzado, Ken Stabler ring bells not only of victory, but bells of immortality, roughness and of the seeds that sparked the golden age of the raider nation.

They are and have always been the tough guys of the NFL, wearing a black uniform with death painted on their helmet, killing their oponents both on the football field and on the scoreboard (if you don't believe watch a video of the Oakland-Minnesota SuperBowl) and becoming one of the most well known and respected franchises of the NFL.

Such is the fame of the Oakland Raiders that Steve Sabol, the CEO of NFL films and one the best known names in Football, wrote them a poem titled the Autumn wind, a poem that, in a much simpler and more effective way than this blog, describes who the Oakland Raiders are.

Read it... not only is it the anthem of the Raiders' franchise, but a symbol of who they are, and in a nutshell, the essence of the team.

Notice the powerful words and the imagery (yes I know it's not Shakespeare, but it still serves its purpose - and if I hear a word about how ignorant I am because I analyze football poems instead of the great epic writings I will hunt you down and kill you!... and I will take my time!)
The Autumn Wind
The Autumn Wind is a pirate
Blustering in from sea
With a rollicking song he sweeps along
Swaggering boisterously
His face is weather beaten
He wears a hooded sash
With his silver hat about his head
And a bristly black moustache
He growls as he storms the country
A villain big and bold
And the trees all shake and quiver and quak
eAs he robs them of their gold
The Autumn wind is a Raider
Pillaging just for fun
He'll knock you round and upside down
And laugh when he's conquered and won
Want to see it in video? Narrated by non other than John Facenda, the voice of God? Log on to:
That is all,
I hope it wasn't too disappointing,
I'll see you in the future,
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me."
Happy Hunting,
The WikiVampire

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In a Sentimental Mood

Hi there my fellow creatures of the night!

I apologize for the sintax, but I wrote this when I was crying, so it might feel more like interior monologue than anything else...

I'm crying... I really am... I'm feeling so sad... I feel sad for all the things I can't control, and for everything I must control but I cannot change... Is forever enough? Is forever enough? I just love that song by the Dixie Dicks titled Lullabye. Everytime I listen to it I can't help but cry, as I am doing now... and as I look back upon everything sad that has occurred in the world these last few months I can't help but cry and think about the great things that surround us and the beautiful things that make life worth living... "You can close your eyes and you're miles away", says the song... I keep thinking about my maid and everything she lost, I keep thinking about that asshole, that guy I will kill very soon, and about that poor girl who lost her sister, about my dog who's on his way out (whom I never talked to), about my lost friendships, about the person I became last week, about all the suffering going on this in this world, and about how lucky I really am and about how I don't deserve everything I have. About how good my parents and family has been to me, and about how fuckin' ungrateful I have been... I am sorry, I really am... why does suffering exist? Why is the world so ugly and so terrible as though there is so much suffering? Why?
You know the sad part? I have never had a girlfriend... I have never had a relationship... Why do I try to be someone I'm not? Why have I tried to rise up to everyone's bullshit, especially that guy I'm going to kill? Why can't I just be free and not care? Why? No more... I'm a free man and I don't care about anything... I really don't...
Why am I so weird? Is being weird a curse? Is it? It has been... for some reason people always think of me as insane... "how long do you want to be loved? Is forever enough?"... I've become a stone... I'd love to love... but I can't... why do I reject love? Please tell me, someone tell me. Where are you? Where is that special person? I know it's not you!... Kate was the one.. and I lost her, but I need to find another one... I really do...

That is all...

Happy Hunting,

The WikiVampire

Reflexion on Injustice Applied to a few friends of mine

Hi there my fellow creatures of the night!

This time I don't feel on writing about anything illuminating,
I just want to use writing to rid my body of all the sadness I feel.

I can't even start to grasp the vastess of this melancholy, and I shouldn't even be writing about it. But I must. My father taught me to let go of frustration any way that I can, and right now, this is the best I can do.

A few days ago, my maid told me she had to go home on an emergency because somebody had vandalized her house and taken her stuff. "Poor soul", I thought. "These people work very hard to make ends meet and now everything she has every saved as been taken from her."

The moment I heard that I felt as though I had been stabbed in the heart. My maid is a very nice person, she lives in my house with her three kids (all of them in one room). Her three kids are all from different fathers, and even though they have been living unstable lives throughout their existance, now, while living in that small room in the basement of my home, they live a happy existance as a family. They spend on nothing (as they have free room and board), the boy goes to a school near here, the oldest daughter works at a nearby pharmacy, and the youngest one (a 15 month old child), plays throughout my house the entire day. So, needless to say, they live a very happy existance.

People have criticized me often for giving this kind of aid (and I confess I have second guessed myself more than once), but I have always been of the idea that when we are well off, we must do whatever we can to help the community, and in some strange way, helping this struggling family has helped me in my life. I am happy to see them happy, and I am happy to see them living as a family (the eldest daughter is going to be married soon).

So, to get back on track, this last sunday the maid gets a call that her house back in her home town (about a 90 minute drive from where I live), had been burglarized. I told her to leave and to go home to see what she could do (she was in tears - and I was getting there-), that hopefully nothing had happened, but I knew that there was no turning back.

I consider myself a good man, and I pay her a good salary apart from the free room and board, and this salary has allowed her to purchase things that were normally above her social scale (a computer, television, DVD player, celular telephones, cameras and a refrigerator).

But somehow, the bad guys always prevail.... and by the way, I am already in tears while I write this... God I feel so bad about this.

As it turns out, they were robbed, everything they owned was taken from them. The television, computer, DVD player... everything except the refrigerator. Their house had been vandalised and everything they had achieved and everything they had done to rise above their former social status had disappeared. And what made it even worse was the fact that they had purchased everything via deffered payments, and now they are still going to have to pay for them.

I try to think and compare this event to my own life and reflect on what would I do if everything I had worked for with my own sweat had been taken from me. Think about it, it's a very sad and frustrating feeling. I feel very bad for them, and bad that I can't do anything more for the family living downstairs... a family that survives thanks to their hard work and thanks to the fact that there are still decent human beings out there that won't deny a family to be together.

Now, all they have done has disappeared... it's a tragedy. And it's not something that happened miles away, it's something that happened right here in my own home, with people that live in this house. I feel frustrated, and I feel sad. They were just playing the hand they were dealt, working their asses of to rise above their condition. And now, it's all gone... it's all gone and there's nothing they can do about it. They want to find the burglars and bring them to justice, but she doesn't want to risk her children's lives. And she's right. It's not worth it.

And I keep thinking to myself, why did this happen? I can't come up with a conclusion except that they are living in an area filled with people who are far worse off than they are, and they decided they were going to take everything from them. And that's what they did.

I cannot grasp with words how sorry I am for them. I truly am. I am moved, I am frustrated... in fact, I am so frustrated I can't even look at them in the eye, I can't spend money on anything out of solidarity, and I am punishing myself because I see them suffering. And I shouldn't punish myself. But I just can't help it.

I need to bring them back what they lost. My sister is changing computers soon, and I will give them hers when she switches, I will give the one of my DVD players, I will give them the Television set they have in their room here at my house, I will give them a celular phone I have here that I don't use, and will give them an old camera I have never used. They need them more than I do, and I really want to see them happy again.

You must know that I am not normally a religious man and I rarely pray, but now, after what happened, I very much feel like praying for them, and I will now...

That is all my friends, I just wanted to share this with you guys...

I'll see you in the future,

Happy Hunting,

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me."

The WikiVampire

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Ship of Fools: Applied to the Nov 2008 American Presidential Elections

Hi there my fellow creatures of the night!

First of all I would like to apologize for my short hiatus. I am very sorry, but I have bee busy with work and school. As it turns out I have already started writing my second book, my first one is now being read by an editor (I hope he's not too disappointed), I've been watching a lot of football (expect an article on this season anytime soon), and hell... it was halloween, the best time of the year.

But hey, now that I'm done apologizing I'll head on to the topic at hand.

Given that the US has elected a new president and people believe the election was won by a landslide I am writing an article not only to refute this believe, but to comment on the US electoral system and the power of vote in general.

But before I start, consider this. Even though Obama won by a "landslide" (something like 350 to 170 votes) in reality he only won by 7 million popular votes... That's nothing! 7 million votes in a country of 300 million? It's only 2%... nothing!

Now, onto the article.

Considering the whole issue surrounding the controversy of electoral vs. popular votes I will try and explain two very important political questions that have yet to be resolved in the modern world that directly affect us.

There was once a great greek philosopher who went by the name of Plato (there are actually some people who haven't heard of him) who wrote about a very intersting concept that surrounds political philosophy. Nowadays everyone speaks about democracy, about popular vote and about the people making the country's desicions. We have been raised to think that this concept and format is the perfect one, and those who think otherwise fall under the category of dictators, despots, kings, oligarchists, etc. We have been raised to believe that only those governments which cater the desicions made by the public are free, and those that do not, only believe in opression and no governmental freedom.

But I ask you. Who says that the people are capable of making desicions? Who says that people have the moral and political abilities to decide who will be THE best leader and who will benefit the country the most? After all, people are generally stupid, illiterat, ignorant and vote on basis of appearance rather that after a thorough assessment of the candidate at hand as well as the pros and cons of voting for or against him. So, ask yourself again, are people really qualified to elect their leaders?

Plato created a philosophical concept that directly adresses this question: The Ship of Fools. With the ship of fools Plato makes a very direct question in regards to this issue. The ship of fools describes a vessel being directed by non-sailors. The ship has no captain or navigator, and it inevitably crashes into the rocks...

The same thing happens with the elections. If no one knows about politics and knows how to elect a leader, the country will crash unto the rocks. Why? Because we have non-sailors driving the country. People who are not qualified to make political desicions should not be able to vote because their vote is just as valuable as that of a trained politician or cultured person (who will most likely take the desicion that helps the country the most). The presidential election affects everyone, and being that it is such an important desicion, only those which have the most knowledge on the subject should be able to make the desicions.

So in summary, normal people should not be able to vote because they don't have the necessary intelligence or knowledge to make the desicion that is best for the country. Letting untrained people vote is to give a monkey the power to kill its owner, it is as if a group of non-sailors try to navigate a ship. What happens? It will eventually crash into the rocks.

Now, how does this apply to the US electoral system?

The US electoral system was founded upon the belief that people are stupid and can't make the right desicions, which is why only electoral votes count. Originally, people would vote just to give the real voters an idea of who they wanted as president. Then, based on the popular vote, the politicians would vote for whom they chose, (they could vote for whom the people chose or for a candidate of their choice), as they were the ones who really knew what the country needed the most.

Of course, the electoral system has morphed into a monster of a system. Nowadays, neither the popular vote nor the electoral votes count. What we now have is something very strange. An irrational system that doesn't work because it follows neither one of these philosophies. The US electoral system works in the following manner: Each state is given a certain number of electoral votes depending on their population. People vote, and whoever candidate wins the designated state gets each and every one of the electoral votes, no matter if he one by 1% or by 100%. So a candidate could get all 55 votes from California when in reality only 50% voted for him, meaning that there are 27 electoral votes he shouldn't have. He could win the election and lose the popular vote...

So in summary, the US electoral system works only if applied as it was originally conceived. If not, what we have is a flawed system that doesn't work for the people or against it... it just doesn't work... and the worse part of it is that people don't understand it...

So to sum things up: DON'T LET PEOPLE VOTE... PEOPLE ARE STUPID AND DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY NEED! Letting people vote means giving people power they don't know how to use. People don't know what is best for their country, and their vote affects everyone. The only people that should vote are those that are educated enough to vote. If not, stupid desicions and stupid people get the power. Examples?

Presidents like Vicente Fox get elected, and countries like Mexico suffer greatly as a consequence. People shouldn't vote. People are ignorant and stupid, and only those with sufficient knowledge about politics should be able to vote, as they are the only ones who make real desicions.

That is all,

Happy Hunting,

The WikiVampire