Friday, December 5, 2008

An Epiphany - Reflection on My Life

Hi there my fellow creatures of the night!

This time I don’t have any cultural exposition or explanation, but rather a reflection on my own personal situation. For some reason, every time I am climbing too deep into a hole of my own creation (I like to call them phases of existence) I eventually reach a point where, with the help of an epiphany, event, or simple realization, I realize the error of my ways and start from scratch. Well, this was one of those days.

Up until today I thought that something I have never had in my life was finally going to arrive (I am not going to tell you what it is, it’s up to you to guess), but just a few hours ago I came to realization that not only was that not going to happen, but that for the past six months I had been aspiring to become the wrong person (a person I was certainly not destined to be and whom I should have never yearned to be) and that I was doubting on making a trip and personal journey that was most certainly going to change my life. Now thankfully, I have come to these three realizations and have not only dispatched that “new me” to another universe, but have realized that I will never discover that “other part of me”, and have finally and ultimately decided to take that personal and life journey that will bring me to another level of karma.

Today, I shall start a new phase of my life. I am finally disappearing and will finally get to live another life. I don’t belong here, I have never belonged here, and thankfully I have finally realized it. I am moving away not only physically, but mentally, I am going back to my old roots, old friendships and forgetting about this stupid world I have been trying to be a part while drifting away from my own ways. It is over, it is over.
I am finally moving away. I’ll disappear for a bit but I’ll come back, I am going to a place where dreams have no end, to the most beautiful place in all creation. To my very own Yoko Garby, a place I should have never abandoned and a place I should have never drifted away from. And even though I might feel pain and depression at times, I must come to the realization that this, just like everything, is only temporary, and if I ever get the feeling of second guessing myself, just as I have done in the past, I must think to myself the great and famous words from the masterpiece film 300: “And then, as now, it is not fear that grips him, only restlessness… a heightened sense of things.”

That is all,

I’ll see you in the future,

“I don’t want to be a product of my environment; I want my environment to be a product of me.”

Happy Hunting,

The WikiVampire

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